Etiquette for mp
I have looked through the forums, and not found very many posts on etiquette for visiting an mp in Mexico, specifically Juarez. And I know it's gotta be different than in the states, since it's...ok, it's different. So, I'll start off with a couple.
Go to mp, do line-up, choose girl, go back to room. Done. Discuss price, pay, and she leaves to get supplies. Now what do I do? Get undressed? Stay dressed till she gets back? I've visited 2 chica's and done both of these things, neither said anything about it. So which?
Also, asking for extras. Do the the chica's prefer to negotiate that before you pay the initial fee. Or, you pay she leaves, comes back, start a massage and then discuss what else you might want. Or somewhere in between? Do you pay the fee and then pay the extra's later in your tip, or pay the fee and extra's up front and the tip after.
Speaking of tip, are the girls expecting one and will get upset if you don't tip, or is it just a nice gesture to hand her $200 after.
I'm not sure there are wrong answers here, but there are probably more right ones.
Also, any other etiquette tips anyone has would be nice. For me or anyone else who's curious?