Originally Posted by Seeyasoon22
After my experience with extortion Seeking is out. Besides extortion I’m remembering several times now where girls who seemed so sweet and honest took my money but some emergency came up so they had to leave with a promise she would make it up to me. Some will read this as I’m not physically attractive. That’s not the case at all. The fact is that there are too many on seeking who will say and do anything other than sex to take your money.
Unfortunately, that's a risk; it certainly does happen (2-3 times when I was young and foolish). For this reason, guys will start a new arrangement with a per-meeting gift and give the gift at the end of the meeting. Some girls will make a stink about this, and those are the ones you need to watch out for. Therefore, the first meeting should be in public; she can storm out of the restaurant anytime.
A normal lady understands she's meeting a new guy with the aim of getting to know them and getting a free meal (hopefully at a nice restaurant); a scammer is just looking for an opportunity to get the cash and dash.