Originally Posted by Salty Again
... When the Treasury Dept. is forced to show
the money and business dealings - then we may
have some sunlight and explanations on the matter.
Surely gotta wonder who else got their grubby hands
in the China and Ukraine pies.
#### Salty
.... Blimey! Wouldja take a gecko at THAT!
... New Subpoenaed Bank Records show that the Biden family
(Hunter, Jim, Sara, Hallie/ and Biden grandchild) collected
over $18 Million from foreign sources while Joe was VP.
Almost $4 Million from Ukraine.
Over $7 Million from China.
And $3.5 Million from Russia.
Also, $1 Million from Romania
And $1 Million from Panama
As well as over $1 Million from the collective likes
of Kazakhstan, Syria and Mexico.
... No bleedin' wonder Joe pardoned his whole family.
At least all the money players.
Crikey! ... Forgot to mention that $240,000 was sent
directly to Joe's accounte witn NO explanation.
... Now the question IS - just WHAT did they do for the money??
... No doubt a Federal Investigation will see.
And ill-gotten money will be taken away.... Pardons or not.
#### Salty