Hey, Dallas, when you joked about wheelchairs, I found myself traveling down my Memory Train (Memory Lane's sexier alterego). Everyone, pardon my diverging from original question....
Years ago, creativity was having a good day. For some reason a sanded smooth 1 X 8 was slid horizontally just under hand grips of one of those walkers. The kind that folks sometimes cover the bottom of legs with tennis balls. That fold for storage etc
My play partner had me hop up there like a tall seat. I do hope you take some time and let your imagination find opportunities while seated there or in various add'l poses on a walker. Don't forget the horizontal bars that stabilize whole thing. They are about 12 inches from floor.
That was a stand out day for me. Right away it proved its potential. Up on that board, the easiest remedy for my legs dangling uncomfortably was to catch the hand grip just to the right with the back of my right knee. Ditto to my left.
Not a seated position for shy type.
In case you are uninspired by wheelchairs, make sure to acquire a walker. And don't wait till old age to enjoy. Try one ASAP!