Originally Posted by jasmin
I don't know think a provider ( with the exception of 1 I know of) would go that far to cause anyone trouble. I would hope not anyway. It seems like a great deal of trouble to go through to bother someone. I know it can be done, but most of us are too lazy to go through all that. WHY would a provider do all that? It would only serve to cause her trouble and hurt her business. It's impossible to stay completely in the shadows. There is a risk involved in this dance we do. That's why some people do it...
Even if a provider wouldn't intentionally try to cause trouble, as stated above the information she has about guys can be lost, stolen, taken as evidence by LE, or otherwise compromised.
And BTW, even well known, well respected providers can "lose it" and out someone in a fit of rage. Some of us who were around aspd years ago saw it happen.