It's been my experience after meeting a few gents who like to review that the main reason was it was a really erotic way to relive the moment again and share it.
I myself wanted to live out the experience of being a hobbyiest and set up an appointment with a lady I did not know in another city after doing a bunch of research. My qualifications were probably different than the guys lol, I wanted a lady truly interested in women and the hunt for that was difficult.
Any way I did my research, set up an appointment and then afterward I wrote a review. All of this took such time and energy, reviews are not very easy to write and take up a lot of time so I am always very appreciative when someone takes that extra time and energy to do such a favor for me
Sometimes there are no words for certain connections you develop but think about what YOU would want to read and know about the lady before deciding to see her and start writing.