I must openly disagree about escorts who endanger folks.
Making wild accusations about another web site is beneath you.
The people who were outing those over off the Tollway and Arapaho area are still among us. Sad that they are here on ECCIE.
I just got back channel feedback that someone I saw year back just outed a guy because he was once a regular but had found a new ATF and she got pissed.
She's NOT on
www.eraps.net she is on here although rarely posts ads and gets few reviews.
let's not be dumb about other sites.
Each one, whether you need to watch paint dry at a site where all reviews are viewed by the ladies and is filled with nothing but white knights OR you want a site that has tightened down so much that you must be a member to see anything and has tools that ASPD staff only dreamed of to catch duplicate handles.