I figure this is a good place to ask since so many of you actually own and run businesses and some of you are probably also top management in some companies.
I have two friends one in particular who has been working for a company over the past 2 years (very large well known energy company) that hires Desktop computer guys as well as administrative IT folks for their IT needs. They go to a company looking for people to hire and this company gets paid to find them people and the person they send is then labeled an independent contractor even though the person going through this (what appears to be a temp agency in my opinion) is held to all the same rules/policies as a full time employee. They have to agree to work "X" amount of hours per week and show up at certain times and have to full quotas and dress as the company asks them to.
This particular friend gets no employee benefits and actually works 12-14 hour days sometimes.
Now he lost his job recently because this huge company just did a ton of layoffs and this temp type agency has found him a possible job with another big company but they have said flat out that they give no paid days off (including holidays) and again he will be called a contractor with no benefits.
I guess I am just confused. I thought there were very specific differences in a real contractor and an employee. He hasn't signed any paper work saying he works as a contractor. From what I am reading online there seems to be a loopy hole of some type on this issue for these companies to get away with not paying people employee benefits. So basically they get a full time employee without having to apply the "contractor" rules?
Here is one site I was reading on the definitions:
Also this site:
Some one please explain this to me. How do they get away with doing this?
My heart goes out to this guy because he works so damned hard and over the past 8 years has not been able to get employee benefits from any company he has worked for because the way they set this up. In addition he said this (temp agency) gets big money from whatever company hires him.
It has been a long long time since I have been in the civil working world but when I was I remember using a temp agency but after 6 months or so I was hired as a full time employee and given benefits. It seems he never gets a chance at that with these companies. They keep him on indefinite contractor status for years.
Edit: the company supplies the desk the phone determine the hours he must work, he is there from Mond-Friday and they pay a salary to him. The last two companies he has worked at dictate the attire (this last company required he wear their company polo shirt)