Originally Posted by Ducbutter
WTF- You don't need to worry about my balls.
I'm not worried about something that isn't there!
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
. But I watched the video and that's pretty damning stuff. It's a completely different issue than the original post though.
What spending tax dollars is different than actually taxing people to pay for the stuff they wanted?
You might have a point, the GOP seems to have no problem spending our money, it is asking you to pay for it is where they fall short. They like to blame the Dems for asking you to actually pay for what you are buying.
I have never understood the stupidity of people wanting government assistance , yet crying for lower taxes. They always want the government to cut the part of government they get no benifit from. Old people go batshit if you try and bend the curve on their out of control Medicare spending...
Those old Tea Bastards crack me the fuc up with that logic!