Originally Posted by jwin
I think that's you looking though crimson colored glasses. If Chizik can turn it around are Tubby quit in the team, any can..Resist the urge to say it was Cam, that's the standard bama comeback
No.. Look at the major impact one single player had on a team. That beat Kentucky by only 3 points might I add. Kentucky... And also LSU, Miss State, Clemson, and Oregon by only 3 points. Either Kentucky was playing at those levels or as you will say were "lucky".. But in each game take away Scam Newton (and give the university the 180k back) and the impact he had on each game and you have a five loss year. Which last time I checked will not get you into the BCS game. Not even a BCS bowl.. Coaching had nothing to do with it which auburn quickly found out the next season and for those who still had hope. That hope was crushed this season. Had nothing to do with coaching in 2010. Had everything to do with one player who excelled dispite the coaching.