Originally Posted by You&Me
... The level of cleanliness can be drastically reduced if a provider doesn’t have adequate time to fully get prepared for the next client. Unless, you’re on a dream date don’t expect squeaky clean every time you meet a provider!
so what factors caused you to give her an 8 - her personal hygiene or the level of cleanliness (or lack thereof) in her incall ??
for me, a provider’s personal hygiene is more important than her incall’s cleanliness. but either can bring down my overall evaluation.
(thinking back to when i visited a woman out in irving after flying in from out of town. she was squeeky clean, but her apt was a total mess!!! dirty & clean but unfolded clothes, boxes, her kid’s stuff, dirty kitchen, etc. taking a shower was like an obstacle course - it was filled w/ her kid’s bath toys - LOTS OF THEM!! overall, a way less than deliteful encounter)