Originally Posted by Deja Dubois
Gents, how can a girl know if a guy really likes you? He hobbys but says he does not do it alot. How can I tell if he is being real about this?
well, paraphrasing famous bill clinton, it all depends on what
likes is and
real is?
are you asking about "like" in terms of enjoying your company as a provider?
or in terms of enjoying your company as a friend?
or in terms of enjoying your company as a friend with benefits?
or in terms of enjoying your company as a friend with committments?
or in terms of enjoying your company as a fiance?
there are so many levels of "friendship" and so many ways to tell what level he is at.
but so far, good comments going your way.
rather than attempt to determine what his motives/likes/desires are, just ask the guy about where he thinks he's heading w/ you and see what his reaction and answer is. that will tell you a lot. DONT start the conversation w/ where YOU think it's heading - that would just tip him off or piss him off.
good luck in your intercourse with him.
in·ter·course –noun
1. dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.
2. interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.
not the sexual meaning, which was #3 in dictionary.com