Depends on which two you call. If you are calling one with known TCB issues and she will be your Plan A; maybe wait 30/60 minutes before you line up a Plan B who doesn't have issues.
Then there's always Plan "KY" just in case.
Today, since both of my Plans regretted,
I exercised Plan "LE" which, I quickly note, refers to;
I saved 100 of my planned 200/250 expenditure by ordering two pair of pants on sale for 54.00 dollars each (plus 8 bucks tax).
Lunch today will be at the club and likely I may spend (like I did yesterday) 60 bucks for some "hands on," "lip synching" "ball playing, and maybe even some CIM, too which may add 10/20 bucks my days adventure.
Yes, likely I could have budgeted 3 bills for a visiting playmate, but I already knew from yesterday the ones I liked were booked, and locals need more advance notic than I could muster today.