He did backtrack and state it was just a public announcement for HPV. It's possible one of his doc's mentioned that it was one of several possible means to contract a particular type of oral cancer.
I have met many doctors in my life, but only met two who appeared to know the difference between his arse and a hole in the ground. (No offense if you're a doc, I probably just haven't been a patient of yours.
) I was diagnosed with a form of pre-cancerous cells on my cervix, not long after my daughter was born, and was told by the doc that I had this condition because I was promiscuous. News to me, since I'd only had 2 lovers and I was 22 at the time.
After several years, 1 more child, too many tests to count, a few procedures, and 2 surgeries... the cells and my "girlie guts" were taken and they no longer continued to an issue. Ladies....get your yearly check-ups.
"This has been a pubic service announcement!" LOL Now....Back to our regular programming....