When she started her masquerade as a "public servant," she was adored and loved by the LameStreamMedia for her AntiTrump rhetoric ... just like the CreepyPornLawyer, et al. When their sheep's cloth started coming apart at the seems and they began to cannibalize their own and make them look even dumber than she, they began to tolerate it by making excuses for her. Now they don't like what's she's saying, because a bunch of other nutjobs in the DNC began to agree with her or spew out similar shit to hang onto her "Kottails" and they are beginning to realize how detrimental the Loon is to the chances of unseating Trump. They were trying to distance themselves from her, but by neglecting to slap her down they've embraced her!!!!!
The DNC's own "identity" politics is their own demise today. They can't trash a "person of color," because they'll get branded with the same tag they try to imprint on Trump ... The Hated One!!!!!
BTW: Had she been true to her mouthings prior to going to the border, she would'nt have gone in a gas-guzzling SUV after riding in a fuel-sopping airplane! She would have ridden on a donkey ... aka JackAss.