Originally Posted by Cajunyankee
My visit was not like yours retiredsurgeon. That’s messed up. The “cousin” took the hundred plus $20 tip from me and went to the back and have us “privacy” in the den. She didn’t bother us during our visit. I also told them before I have them the money that I usually don’t pay until after the encounter but skittles started undressing to make it apparent that they weren’t gonna rip me off. Sounds like not everyone is experiencing the same kind of visit.
This was basically my experience minus giving the tip. I brought what was expected and that's it. "Cousin" grumbled about next time then asked again at the end accusing me of "Having it and just not wanting to". Which really I didn't but wouldn't have even if I did. Give accurate info up front. Really feels like "cousin" is just taking everything and trying to get extra out of some people.