Originally Posted by K803r48
Late 40's in Asian is not the same as late 40's or even mid 50's in other races. And Ace looks damn good for her age - my issue is she looks absolutely nothing like her photo. This girl and the photo are so far apart, I am still not sure I met Ace, but no one that has met her has chimed in and confirmed nor corrected, so maybe I did.
I don't know what to tell you. 40 and 50 year old Asians are also old. Asian women at such age that are attractive are also rare. It is possible that they are more common in this industry since they have to make money so they took good care of themselves.
I've seen Ace. I am fairly certain that she is in her 30s and not close to 40. I have not seen Green, so I don't know her age. I am very surprised that many people claim Green is 50 years old but they still think she is attractive. Maybe she is one of the rare women.