Originally Posted by acp5762
You can interpret those events however you wish to. But just remember not everything is what it seems.
No, I'm pretty certain they were/are EXACTLY as they seemed. There is no "interpretation" involved.
I saw the planes fly into the building and I saw the towel heads take credit for it. Who am I going to believe, conspiracy nuts or my own lying eyes?
And, in case you missed the bleeding obvious (hint: you did), the Aurora CO gunman is alive and about to go on trial.
And there are, like, a hundred witnesses to identify him as the shooter - including some of the survivors.
Oh, and the Newtown school shooting? Same thing. About a hundred witnesses can testify that Adam Lanza was the one shooting at people.
So, again, who are we supposed to believe? Conspiracy nuts or our own lying eyes?
If you choose to respond, I want to know who "they" are. And I don't want to hear "the government". I want you to NAME specific people.
If you are going to be spreading wild theories about the real killers, then you have to name specific people so we can check out your stories and confirm that you are full of shit.