Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I'm still waiting for Rove to get those checks to me. I hope he's not upset that I called Bush a terrible President and a war criminal. He can be picky sometimes, though.
It's not widely known that Karl Rove's father, deceased, was an extremely eccentric homosexual. I mean extremely. He was supposedly very into body piercings in places most people would most want to avoid piercing.
The Architect, a new book chronicling Karl Rove's life and conservative agenda, authors James Moore and Wayne Slater, reveal Rove's father, Louis Rove, was homosexual.
Louis Rove left his family during the 1969 Christmas holidays and moved to Los Angeles where he eventually "came out." According to Rove's father's best friend, an openly gay man named Joseph Koons, "Louie didn't hide the fact that he was gay. But he didn't play it up either."
The Architect describes Louis Rove as a shy man, encumbered by his three hundred pound figure. To encourage Rove to socialize, Joseph Koons, invited him to join a retired gay men's group called the "Old Farts Club," jokingly referred to among the men as the "Rainbow Casket."