Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I would think the black community would be so very embarrassed to have these hustlers representing them. Well the black community I know is embarrassed of them. They speak for a very small group of black Americans.... Most of the rest can't stand them. I don't blame them either. The topics they speak on are incredibly lame. I'd love for an awesome black American speaker or commentator to rise up and take the reins from those clowns. PLEASE.
Trust me, normal black people are trying as hard as we can to disassociate ourselves from these buffoons, but for some reason they keep fucking popping up. If there is a black boy falling off a skateboard Reverend Al will be their in a heartbeat with a press junket and camera crews talking about " This skateboard has done this poor black brother wrong, we have to boycott all skateboards!"
The act of posting Zimmerman's address was malicious and you can't say that Spike had good intentions when posting the address whether it was incorrect or not. He is not making a good example by encouraging people to confront this man and possibly harass them. He has alot of followers on twitter, he knows one of them is going to knock on that door.