Trailblazer, thank you so much for your compliment, I’m flattered you think so.
I think that I’m far more fun in person too.
W900l, actually it’s a kind of fake Halloween barbed wire but until I actually touched it I absolutely didn’t’ realize that it was just knotted rope instead of metal.
Jade and Tara, my photographer comes into town about once every few months, if you’d like me to send you a PM the next time he’s doing photo shoots in this area, let me know. I adore his work and while most of the set ideas are mine (the hay, paint, barbed wire and winter snow set were all my idea) he’s fantastic about taking your ideas and making them into gorgeous images.
Kohana, you need to meet up with me before I go away on vacation for a month.
I leave the 16th of February and I would hate to miss you.