Lately in the Houston forums, we have had more than enough problems with newbies registering and on the same day doing a lot of flaming. Obviously they know how to use these boards and they sure aren't some newbie.
Today on one of the posts linked, someone who just registered mentioned some provider doing the bestiality thing.
Frankly, I am so tired of these 'newbies' registering with the intent of flaming others and not using their regular handles, I could just shit.
Can't you mods and admins come up with something, maybe a 3 day no posting privilege after registering or something of that nature?
I hope you guys can, because it's getting way out of hand, at least in the Houston area it is.
As an ex mod and ex admin, what I would do is ban the 'newbie', but at the same time, either edit out all of their posts or completely remove all of their post. I mean what good is it to ban the person linked to the above posts, yet leave in the subject about the bestiality. One way to aid stopping this would be to edit out all of their posts, because they have no credibility to begin with. Now, this isn't all newbies, just the ones who are obviously using another handle to start shit.