Originally Posted by Jackie S
As long as there is Islam there will be murderous factions who want to kill everybody in the name of their God.
It's what is to be expected from a Cult that worships a genocidal pedophile.
Think how much better the world would be if Islam ceased to exist. In fact, the world would be a better place if 2 million years ago or so man would have not started creating God in his image.
Religion has nothing to do with spirituality. It's prime purpose is to control the masses.
Your rant is hateful at best and might be a “tad” off in your scientific calculations.
But I agree with your final statement. Religion has been used as a tool to control the masses for MILLIONS OF YEARS! (LOL)
The institutions are corrupt and yes, the zealots can herd the flock with evil intent.
Just look at our country. Today even.