JDB, please do not try to teach me how to suck eggs (look it up, it is not an expression familiar to americans!).
The brits were the first to have the right to bear arms, we taught it to the americans, but that right has been eroded over time in Britain.
Whatever the poll says, there is not a chance in hell of any legislation to give the right to bear arms in the UK getting formulated, let alone voted in parliament.
Nobody I have spoken to in the UK has the slightest inclination to bear arms.
So the question is, who were these people who voted in the poll?
Seriously, it is a complete non starter in the UK.
Also, you need to check the wording:
Repeal the ban on hand guns and re-open shooting clubs
This is not about a general right to bear arms, but about shooting clubs. Keeping your personal hand gun under lock and key at the gun club. Being a registered owner, and having to register at local police station. Etc Etc Etc.
The issue of shooting clubs arose after the Dunblane killings, when laws were considerably tightened. But, by Texas standards, laws were very tight prior to Dunblane.
This will help: