Originally Posted by shotgun willy
You made a good point Frank! Its easy for our mind to write a check that our bodies cant deliver payment on! But maybe if my body was finely tuned like Nash, I could enjoy this hobby like a "buffet line" !
Like I've said before, at a buffet line you eat until you puke! I just got started at a younger age than most mongers. When I was 18, I had 3 gals in a hot tub at Sherry's Brothel outside of Pahrump, NV in Nye County. My buddies who were with me couldn't believe that I spent $275 for the whole hour for the 3 hotties. All I could say was that it was worth every cent and that I'd do it again if I hadn't just spent all the money I had with me. That experience provided for some decent training and set the ground course that I continue to play.