Washington Post piece laments that “the summer of 2020 brought calls to address racism aggressively,” but that the 2021 election results “show how hard that has been.”
© (AP Photo/John Minchillo) A giant “BLACK LIVES MATTER” slogan is painted in orange on Fulton Street, Monday, June 15, 2020, in the Brooklyn borough of New York. Or perhaps the Left shouldn’t have spent the last year pursuing its most ridiculous goals under the mere pretext of seeking “racial justice.”
Matt Viser and Cleve Wootson Jr.
write,“For many civil rights leaders, this week’s events brought a recognition — and renewed anger — that the political terrain over the past year has moved from one where Republicans were not only attacking proposals that came out of the summer of 2020 but were now realizing significant gains at the ballot box because of them.”
In the summer of 2020, Black Lives Matter was at the height of its popularity, with polls showing even most Republicans were supportive. Structural change was there for the taking. But the corporate-approved movement decided to focus on the most trivial of issues instead. Along with removing Confederate statues and renaming roads, the energy from last summer was spent on things such as
renaming Aunt Jemima syrup. White voice actors were removed from voicing nonwhite animated characters, including the removal of Hank Azaria from voicing four different characters on the Simpsons.
Corporate sponsors used the moment to pressure the Washington Redskins into
changing their name. The Cleveland Indians followed close behind. College students used the moment to demand trivial changes on their campuses that did nothing to abolish racism. For example, students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison got a rock removed from campus because they believed it was racist. (And yes, that really
happened). They also violently removed the statue of a committed abolitionist, just to give some indication of how much these mobs knew about history.
Even now, these dumb cultural fights are being picked in the pages of the
New York Times. Jennifer Finney Boylan, for example,
draws a straight line from “the sins of our historical figures,” including both Confederate generals and founding fathers of the Union, to a “reassessment” of classic rock and whether one can listen to "American Pie" or "Layla" with a clear conscience, given the shortcomings of certain performers.
While corporate and cultural voices were wasting their time with such dubious trivialities, Democrats and bureaucrats were teaching
racial essentialism in schools and imposing it in other facets of life, even going so far as
to suggest or impose neo-segregation. That, of course, led to a backlash in places such as Virginia, which just swept its Democratic leaders out of power in favor of a racially diverse group of Republicans who do not obsess over race.
The structural changes were there for the taking in 2020. But Democrats killed a bipartisan police reform bill that could have passed. (Maybe it still will after they lose their Senate majority.) Meanwhile, Democratic city leaders and Black Lives Matter activists
shrugged off riots and crime while demonizing police officers. Their credibility is in tatters now, as even the city of Minneapolis, ground zero for the modern movement,
rejected a scheme to abolish the city's police department.
The Left only has itself to blame for the 2021 elections becoming a rejection of the movement they misdirected in 2020. They did not get the structural changes they claimed to have wanted, because most of their demands were completely stupid and unrelated. The few that remained were absurd, such as police departments being hamstrung amid a surge in homicides or teaching children that their skin-color is all that matters about them. The 2021 elections highlight not the failures of the voters, but of the leftists who screwed up so badly.
Comment - Democraticommunists do not learn - their ideology Uber alles is sacred and is never to be questioned by teh proletariat
anyone out of line with ideology - is cancelled and banned from party.
I know teh republicans have a couple of good slots for manchin and sinema - when they get fed up with the continual harassment, vileness, and hypocrisy of teh radical communists who dominate the democraticommunist party.
Schumer needs to be the 'minorityl eader' - again!
Buck fiden
From my cold dead handS!