Cel phone batteries??
Over on one of my gaming sites, someone made a comment in relation to cell phones, and laziness that made me think..
He said, that he remembers reading a news article from some "conspiracy' site, that mentioned;
"The reason all new smart phones have internal batteries, rather than the older detachable ones is because if it's internal, even if you turn it off, the connected battery will keep a small charge to the components, so if the govt/cops wanted, they could use the remote activation tech they get FROM the companies, to turn it on without you knowing or being able to do anything about it".
Now since it DID come from a conspiracy site, normally i'd not put much weight in it.
BUT having seen many tv shows, where the cops DO turn someone's cell phone on, without their knowing, just because it still had the battery attached, it does make me wonder. Is there more to what those conspiracy nuts are saying, than mere speculation??