You are correct CJ& what he said was at some point you have made enough....
I supose it could be a lot less than a million dollars or it could be more.
What is evident is that he believes that you do not have the right to make as much money as you want unless it is for the benefit of the collective.
Here is a reference that I cheeked to see if I was on the right path.
So now we have proof that Obama thinks that he believes there should be limits on how much a person can make and it is at some point enough.
I suppose that enough remains to be defined in an amount that is acceptable to those that would make those sorts of decisions.
I mean we have a minimum wage law that appears on the surface to be a legal control on poeple and businesses so what is to stop them from contolling the amount that you can earn.
the old Marx mantra of Frome each according to their ability to each according to theeir need.
Yep lets kill all ambition and do it for the good of the collective so that those that need can be equal to those that can produce. I suppose that is why the USSR had those camps to retrain people into being productive citizens and if they could not meet the median they would be exterminated.
So it comes down to a maximum wage or extermination. which choice will you choose.