This issue has come to my attention. I am looking for feedback from others about this kind of issue. Is it not a big deal? Do you as a provider or hobbiest feel this would be good to know about a provider? I am not revieling names at this time until I know I am not over reacting. It is possible to learn from past mistakes to not just start spouting off before thinking.
A hobbiest has posted a couple of times on here that he was told by a provider he has seen a few times about communications she has had with another hobbiest. He has said he had access to emails, texts, etc between the two and post this here instead of keeping it to himself. He has posted the general content of the communications though not the actual text. He has not posted the providers name but he has claimed the information he had access to was about a specific hobbiest and who that is.
I happen to know the provider personaly so I know who he is talking about. I have never seen her as a provider but I was the one who suggested she join the site.
To me, this is a gross betrayal and lack of respect of personal information. Who knows what she has told to others about her clients? Things about other providers that the client may have let slip?
If you as a client knew this woman tells others about your communications and activites, would you still want to see her? Do you want another hobbiest who is then going to tell everyone else about it know your business? Choosing to write a review is one thing. But should the provider be telling others your business without your permission? Possibility including things you would not want others to know? Maybe even non-hobby related things.
As a fellow provider, what do you think? Would you trust her with anything? Would you recomend her to your clients if they asked about her? Do a doubles session with her?
Does it matter if the provider does it out of spite or is just not thinking?
This is not about should you trust a provider. No matter how carfull someone is, its always possible to let personal info slip out. Some girls can be very sweet and make it east to let your guard down, especialy after a few sessions.
What do you thing? Should I let out the names of those involved?