It is possible to spread HPV through oral sex, and it is in fact thought that HPV acquired while performing oral sex is a major risk factor for
throat cancer. HPV can also appear in the oral cavity through
vertical transmission (transmission from mother to child during birth). As with herpes, it seems likely that the use of condoms or
dental dams during oral sex should reduce the risk of infection, but they will not necessarily eliminate it entirely since HPV spreads via skin-to-skin contact.
There is currently no test for men for the HPV virus.*Only Women under 26 can be vaccinated for HPV.
The Bottom Line
In summary, unprotected oral sex puts you at risk for numerous sexually transmitted diseases. If you perform unprotected oral sex on your sexual partners, you should mention it to your physician. She may want to check your throat when she is screening you for other STDs.
Hope this helps someone!