Originally Posted by Treetop78759
If we were to estimate the number of AMPs in central Texas a good estimate would be 50.
We can all agree that human trafficking exist in AMPs.
Let's say that human trafficking in some form only exists in 3 to 5 of those 50 AMPs.
If disrupting or harassing all of the other 45 to 47 AMPs in order to save only a few a legitimate argument?
There is process on the web that makes it very very easy to go after an AMP and they can't do anything.
I say yes. What say you?
Please note that nothing I have written is inflammatory. I just think that until we know who is trafficked and who is not that all options should be used.
I will say that there are at least 5 that are 100% legit and I will be publishing a list shortly.
IF you know who is trafficking and who isn’t, why wouldn’t you publish your list? It seems to me by casting blanket accusations you are accusing them ALL.
I would be mighty interested in your list, as I’m sure many others would be.
I’m not trying to be inflammatory either, but I think it’s time to show your cards.