All i want for Christmas Is a M.R Potato Head .
Being born in the late sixties and coming of age in the 70,s one of the pouplar toys as a youth was MR Potato head .
Not a expensive toy not a toy out of reach for a blue collar family to get there child but being of IRISH decent my father wouldnt allow it .
I never was directly told why but all i was told was potatoes are for eating not for playing with .
My list for santa that year was for the game Operation a whoopie cushion a Crossman 177 cal pump pellet gun, walkie talkies ,AFX track and MR Potato head possibly a Battle ship game if i remember right
Some how Santa turned out to be my DAD and i still remember the the discussion we had when he got the list of items i wanted
What the hell are you planning for later on down the road to put me through ?
Do you have delusions of invading Ireland as a operator with a pellet gun to fart on them and hand them a plastic fucking potato ?
Are is MR potato at the Helm of the battleship shooting sailors in the ass with a BB Gun and sitting on a whoopie cushion ?
I had no idea WTF he was talking about at the time all i know is i ended up with every thing on my list being under the x-mas tree that year except MR Potato head fact is i still have them .
Well the time has come for MR Potato head to take the helm and he is MIA from the muster .
All i want is MR Potato Head !!!!