This board has become so deadly serious of late, as a public service and to foster more jocular discussion, I happily present a lighter topic for your immediate perusal and debate—and I expect
vigorous debate! This is my defense of female pubic hair.*
For the Love of Pubic Hair
Maybe it was just the era when I came of age, but I LOVE the beaver.
While I was fascinated by the naked slits of my grade school classmates**, the grown up women in the Playboy magazines—
naked women!— all sported that intriguing dark triangle. As a young boy, it was like being let in on one of life’s big secrets, WOMEN’S secrets! To me it was if those beautiful women were saying: THIS is what we keep under those tight shorts and miniskirts; THIS is the good stuff, right here! From early on, I remember making a personal hobby of stealing glances up every skirt I could find—I couldn’t help myself! As they say: Seen one; want to see them all!
Eventually puberty came—and with it, rather strange and awkward physical changes—but my compulsive curiosity for the mysterious “lady business” never faded; in fact, it only grew stronger! Like most of the men here, I suspect, I will NEVER forget my first contact with it either.
For me, it happened down in K.’s*** basement, my hand rubbing circles on her tummy, working slowly, slowly down under the front of her shorts (Do you trust me? Do you trust me?)…. and then contact! At first, that squirrely little bush was at my fingertips, proof that I had arrived at the forbidden -- Ms. K’s mystery place. But even better, working my hand down—slowly, slowly… until my palm was resting on that mound, my fingers exploring somewhere warm, moist and inviting! Hot damn! The feeling, the sensation, those little noises Ms. K was making, and the smell of her excitement!
Now it’s a proven fact that we gents derive our initial sexual stimulation from the visual. I don’t think I’ll have any man here argue with me how we register visual cues from a woman’s shape—that “golden ratio” of hips to breasts—her eyes, hair, smile, bosom, derriere, legs, feet.
So isn’t it only natural, isn’t it only normal, that we add to these initial visual attractors, the sight of her pubic hair? What else visually so perfectly conveys what’s coming next? What better signal that we’re being accepted into her mystery, and here it is for you to see? Ah… the anticipation!
Now I have nothing against the girls that keep theirs bare. Of the four providers I have met from this board, 4 out of 4 keep their lady business cleanly shaved. That’s fine.++ But on the other hand, it’s a little like seeing how the magician does the trick. Well, I like the mystery!
To quote from one of my favorite movies about sex+++,
Bull Durham:
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: The other day, Crash called a woman's pu... pussy... um, well, you know how the hair is kind of in a V-shape?
Annie Savoy: Yes, I do.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: Well, he called it the Bermuda Triangle. He said that a man could get lost in there and never be heard from again.
Well… I say, let’s get lost!
Okay, your turn. Tell me why I’m missing the charms of the bare field.
* Given the nature of this subject, my apologies if I stray from my usually courtly manners during this discussion.
** I was a pretend doctor a LONG time before I was a pretend admiral.
*** These names have been abbreviated to protect the horny.
+ Please note hilarious escort lingo pun.
++ Naked, willing women still work for me. Thank God.
+++ And baseball, I guess.