Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Whirly is making some important points.
Only you would think that one sentence talking points are of some deep importance. Lotta people on food stamps? It's a shitty economy. US maybe not the sole superpower in 20 years? Sounds like pure supposition and speculation. Even if it's true, what do you propose? More gazillions in spending on defense? The idea that China is going to fuck with us militarily anytime in the forseeable future is ridiculous. We have enough firepower to turn China to ashes.
Obama going to use an executive order to raise the debt ceiling? He can't do that, only Congress can decide how much we spend or, ultimately, how much we borrow. It is true there are democrats talking about legislation that would allow Obama to raise the debt ceiling but I don't see how that ever passes. Frankly, I would hope that Obama would raise the ceiling if the republicans continue to obstruct the efforts to allow the Bush tax cuts on those making more than $250k to expire. That is truly the only impediment left to getting a deal done. Obama is ready to give up a lot.....too much, in my opinion, but he isn't going to do it without raising taxes on those making more than $250k per year. And, he shouldn't. So, he might try to lift the ceiling in order to avoid the financial catastrophe that the republicans seem intent on causing. Other than that, I don't see it happening.
In short, all of the pinhead's posts are the figment of an overactive fevered imagination, as usual.