Some assholes here like to think that calling someone a custodian or janitor an insult. This shows their bigoted elitism but this man is a hero. Cesar Zakahi reported that the US flag was being disrespected by a woman who wadded it up and threw it in the corner at the end of the day. The principal, also a veteran like Zakahi, basically blew him off. Zakahi put his job on the line by posting a photo of the disrespect on the Internet. Depending on who you talk to Zakahi has either been fired or suspended for embarassing the school district, the principal, and the school.
So much for using custodian as an insult. FYI, when I went to grade school I volunteered to put the flag up each day. I guess we now have Les Nessman and some kind of flesh eating lawyer on this site. What else would think of a janitor as subhuman?