OANN had a pediatric cardiologist on today - who mentioned a study that showed that children has twice teh rate of hospitalization for Wuhan virus vaccine complications - as hospitalization for wuhan virus infection.
I cannot find a reference.
Until i see it - I hold that statement as unproven.
CDC -https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/children-teens.html?s_cid=11372:covid%2 0vaccine%20side%20effects%20ki ds:sem.ga
This release is a year old - and wuhan virus both mutates, progresses, and research happens rapidly.
i am unconvinced of teh need for vaccination of young People - under 11.
Adolescents - may benefit - paticularly if they have a risk factor for poor outcome of disease.
Still - Democrticommunists are doubling down on forced vaccination, vaccine passport cards/documentation to appear in public, and fialing to relaize the distrust of their narrative due to flagrant Lies and misleading of the public.
forcing a vaccine on young children - will result in a political backlash - something teh 'Obey Me" party fails to comprehend
Fine - let teh democrticommunists force their vaccinations on teh Peoples
Best have the Federal DPST control of elections adn vote counting in 2022/2024 - there will be a backlash agaisnt the controlling, arrogant, elitist know it all , better - than -You - democraticommunist party.