Professional girls will not usually go to an Airbnb. Escorts definitely won't. You might be able to find some independents on Mileroticos or Telegram who will, or maybe some semi-pros on Seeking or Craigslist. Getting contacts from them ahead of time and starting the conversation will help. Maybe if you hit it off with a few bar girls at HK and are charming enough to set things up, she could bring a bunch of friends over, but I wouldn't stake my vacation around it.
You might want to look into reserving
a couple of suites at Cascadas. Get the 9th Floor Party Room and the Double Suite and that together sleep eight. If you go Mon/Tues, the VIP discount is insane, but even on a weekend the rate for both rooms would be about $2000 per night split eight ways. If it's just five of you, the
Double Suite would be perfect. Be sure to get that HK VIP discount.
If you are dead set on the Airbnb thing, definitely do the ground work in advance. You could find a bunch of girls willing to come over, but remember that Latin girls are flaky. They could be SUPER late, or bail entirely if they don't feel like it. You may want to talk to an agency owner in advance and explain the situation, get pre-vetted, and arrange for a carful of girls to show up one night.
I know a couple of fixers who may be able to set you up, but they'd definitely want to be paid for their trouble.
You could always get the Airbnb for sleeping but shuttle over to Hong Kong to party. If you guys are baller enough, you'll get plenty of attention. maybe you can persuade a bunch of girls to come over before or after their shifts.