Confusion is the point, the contradiction allows the girl to do whatever she feels like after you give the donation, and you're left with an argumentative experience that is an immediate turn off, and most of the STG types don't care, they believe they are on to the next one. Hustle life.
If you don't hold out for complete text sentences and make it clear you are seeking services how YOU want them, not how they are willing to do it, you should... it's your hard earned dollars. I'm really tired of girls who forget that.
Yes I understand the girl has to be comfortable etc etc... the point is that you (monger) should seek a provider who provides what you want, and hold out until you find it. Make it clear and most good providers will engage, most of the folks here will. Some will say hey I do this now, but I'll develop a relationship to do that other thing, or take some planning for outfits, etc. Good luck, have fun... FUN