Please Ladies, Please?
No more Snapchat filters, Please?
When you post your photos in your ads or Bio Page, we want to see
the real you.
We don't want to see a dog tongue hanging out of your mouth, a bunny tail sticking out of your backside, cat whiskers on your face, bulging eyeballs, puppy ears,
sad face (
yes, especially sad face), make up filters that make you look scary as if it's Halloween already, or any of these (but not limited to just them):
Yes, we are aware some of those Snapchat filters cost $ and you want to show it off to everyone but please, this is not the place and time for it.
Some of them may just turn guys off and costs you loss sessions.
You also don't accumulate #s of likes, thumbs up or whatever approval system you get on Snapchat for each photo you post and share.
(I don't Snap, Tweet, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Swipe Left/Right/Up/Down so I wouldn't know exactly what rewards you receive for posting photos with filters)
We want to see the real you, the face you were born with, the one mother nature (and your parents) blessed you with.
Thank you.
This has been an announcement for the ladies from the Emergency Broadcast System.
Now back to our regularly scheduled hobbying and providing programming.