Senator Gillibrand (d) has put forth a bill to temporary reduce the interest rates on student loans. I support this and have contacted my representatives telling them so. The logic is that (from my point of view) is that the banks took government money (our money) for bailouts with the promise of passing that money onto the consumers. One place that this has not happened is in the student loan program. To complicate matters Obama has seized many student loan accounts and put them under government control. Now the government is getting it's money at interest rates of 1 of 2 percent. Why charge the students 6 percent on that money? The government is not supposed to be in the business of making a profit off people (students).
So there you have it, post a notice, I support this democratic initiative except it is only for a year so it is an election ploy. If it passed then next year in time for the elections the democrats can drag it out and wave it at the students and recent grads. If this was a real attempt at reform then it would be to extend indefinitely those low rates. So you see I can support the democrats when they have a good idea but can also see where they are playing politics again.