Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Republicans give more money to charity than democrats do. So much for compassion right?
The Democratic party is ran by radical liberals (moderates can only watch) and the GOP is ran by establishment republicans (conservative can only watch).
You are full of shit. They write more off on their taxes. That means we have less to pay off the national debt with. Say you give to charity and I give yo charity , yet I do not take the deduction, I just give, You then are having others pay for your charityn.
I'm tired of that lie about ya'll giving more.
If you just gave the money and then did not write it off on your taxes, that would actually be giving. Paying less on your taxes because you gave to charity is actually having others have to pay more to make up the difference!
Now be a good lil Boy Scout and go deny a gay his/her rights.