Originally Posted by Par_Shooter
They should welcome you in w/o an issue, but if not, when I went the first time mama-san didn't recognize me and asked who I knew there. I dropped a name of a girl who no longer worked there based on intel I gathered from this site. Worked like charm!
Excellent strategy I've employed many a time. The other time tested strategy is, "This is my first time here, but I've been to a lot of other places like this." Remember, a business transaction occurs because both people benefit. As someone else put it, they want you there. That's why they're in business.
If you're in the game long enough, you'll have an occasion where something will go wrong. It happens to everyone. I've had it happen one day, and then a week later the same place welcomes you in like you're the best customer in the world. Sometimes you can't figure out why, sometimes you can. Don't be deterred.
I remember when I was in high school and before I turned 18, I went to the drive through of the liquor store where we'd been buying beer all the time. The guy at the window said, "Can I see you ID young man. You don't look 18." As he said it he kind of pointed to his left and he said it in an odd voice. And he'd sold beer to me before knowing full well we weren't 18. So I said, "Man, you guys catch us all the time. We can never buy beer here." So I came back the next night to get a six pack. He said, "You sure made us look good last night when the TABC was here," and sold us our beer just like usual.
Who knows if it's the same kind of thing at an AMP. Maybe if you're new and only girl that's available isn't good, they don't want you to get a bad impression. Maybe they just got a funny vibe about your tonight. Maybe they heard through the grape vine that the local police have a guy going around in a red Chevrolet truck this week, and your drove up in a red chevy. Take it in stride and move on. Plenty of fish in the sea.