Anybody else ever wonder what escorts and strippers do
or plan to do once they decide to give this industry up? Or maybe there is no plan. What about money?? What about a career? Why do we come back? And, why do escorts keep their p411 and Eccie pages active if they've only just retired?? What is the next step for a retired hooker??
These are just a few questions that run through my mind as I slowly make my exit from this hobby (as I have been trying to do for the last few years.) I know I have taken breaks from this lovely world I find myself so engulfed in and am also guilty of 'retiring..' Yet, here I
still am. LOL! And we roll our eyes at others' retirement threads, but
I 'get' it and start thinking of my future. I wish I had been more focused when I first began... but coming from absolutely nothing turned to having things I never
even dreamed of seemed so Hollywood
ish to me that I didn't think about anything else.
Of course, NOW that I'm older (just a lil bit, sheesh) and have slowed down hobbying (quite a bit, no shit!) I decide to think things through!
Or, maybe some of us will never actually retire because this is just too easy of a fall back plan...... And, I hate when my thoughts fight in my damn head!! I can't think clearly (or, perhaps I'm over-thinking) and create threads such as this.
So, I wonder what it is that will finally make a girl wanna get off the pole, take down her ads and put away the red lipstick.
.....Just a few thoughts of a Midwest Hooker (One who's thinking of retiring?? COLD turkey this time? Mmmm Maybe....Or Not)