Originally Posted by Gemma34
Things do happen on both ends. I can deal with cancellations.
Exactly, its the nature of the business. If you want more stability in your business relations, then I would move to another line of work. I don't see how posting something that says, "Why don't people keep their appointments" followed by a "back East this wasn't a problem" Maybe you should work back East?
So, in essence you're calling out the City of Wichita/Midwest because you think they engage in bad practices, which you didn't see in the last part of the country you worked in. That doesn't seem to be a very good business practice.
Maybe people in Wichita have more distractions like butter churning, the locusts invaded, the dust bowl obscured our vision on the way to appts with you, or a cow got into the way. LOL. When you ask a rhetorical question...