Originally Posted by Pistolero
LL. that sounds like a good idea. I sorta think it would soon become the DMZ tho, which would discourage people from using the sandbox as designed.
And how about the The2dogs problem if we do that? As you know, he was very active in the Pgh DMZ. As a mod in Pgh, would you propose that he not enter into the discussions if they are political? Seems like there is some sentiment like that in PGH.
Just for the record, 2dogs has never been a "problem". No one here would ever be rude or presumptuous enough to tell a mod to stay out of the Pgh forums. Oh wait, didn't Dames4u do that? Ok. For the record, dames doesn't own this board or the Pgh forums or speak for anyone else here. As I recall, he usually complained about Texans opining in the DMZ when he ran out of substantive arguments, which was often. Fortunately most of us Burgh Boys & Girls know how to laugh and shrug and appreciate a good political point or counterpoint without carrying a grudge. As 2dogs once put it, "we come here to hobby, and we like to fuck with each other in the DMZ for fun..." Or something like that.
I don't care if you're from Texas or Timbuktu, I thought it might be fun to try a DMZ-like forum here to entice those who (out of habit or temperament) are reluctant to jump into the national forum. As a mod, 2dogs used to get discussions started by originating threads in the Pgh DMZ. The main stumbling block I see is that our most notorious past DMZ contributors (devo, stevepar, ausse salt, mca to name a few) aren't active anymore.