Actually, I noticed an increase in shear numbers a few years back when I personally observed every horny big girl, with slightly looser moral compasses, were hanging out their BW (Big Girl) working shingle. A lot of these ladies (big, small and other) who want to make some quick money don't last long because this business isn't for everyone and it's not as easy as most believe it to be.
But yes. There are a TON of ladies out there these days. But I'm not sure that there are MORE. Just MORE have a computer and internet. The women who would normally be out on the street or advertising in the newspapers, at best, are hanging out on websites like this.
I'm sure that there are still many back channels that used to be the mainstay of this business. But for most, advertising on the internet is the way to go. Hence, it's the perception that there are more escorts.
At least those are my thoughts about it.
As far as gratuitous sex goes, sure ... it's there. Even within our ranks. It just depends who you are and who you might meet to play around with.
Contrary to popular belief, it's not always about the buck with us.