Originally Posted by Benwa20122
I have exactly 2 provider experiences
And one gave me Okay on 411 and number to contact
Other lady said she could not remember
Me and unless I have her exact details
She would not-I gaveher time, and I had to go get covers
and I experienced ED problem but guess
That wasn't enough
I remember the in call location and almost exact room number
Don't want to make her mad as I need the extra reference
I'm like a part time hobbyist
Any suggestions-this was 3/20
I forwarded her snapshot our phone times also
Some providers will not remember you no matter what you do, so don't bother trying to convince them otherwise, it is a losing battle. If you are looking to get a couple of OKs from providers on p411, my suggestion would be to look at the ones who are ALWAYS answering ISO threads, making continuous posts that they are available, ect. and doing a 30 minute max session, BNG preferably, as the less money you have to spend on those girls the better so you can focus on the ones you really want to see.