Originally Posted by secondHandNews
I've seen a lot of reviews over the past year bemoaning the "higher rates, lower quality" of today's service providers. I'm not quite sure what "lower quality" means.
Social media in general is the main culprit. Young ladies these days are so used to getting $ for nothing.
Follow a few & you'll see them asking for $ all day.
"I'm starving, can someone send me a few a few bucks so I can get some lunch/dinner"
"I'm hella sleepy, can someone send me some $ for a Starbucks"
"My rent/bill is due... Someone stole my... My hamster is sick..."
If they have a couple thousand followers there's no doubt that more than just a few schmucks will send her $.
That's a couple hundred dollars a day.
If they do offer to meet up they put as little effort in as possible.
Originally Posted by Fizley
I do not understand the only fans. If I am missing something, then let me know.
Most use it to get a "preview" of a young lady they're interested in meeting.
Preferable to pay $10 & see the lady in action & decide if you really want to see her rather than $300-$400 for a meetup just to find out her looks/performance are shit.
But even then some ladies post content that's years old.