Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I highly recommend HBO's original movie, Taking Chance. I watched it quite by accident, and it is powerful. It has been released for purchase.
I've been wanting to watch that movie. But, since I lost my son (not biological, but he was my son), in Iraq three years ago, I can't watch any movies that depict war. It is just too painful. But, Taking Chance is about the honor that this man feels about accompanying this soldier during his body's return home. That might actually be cathartic and good to see. I think I will find some time to watch that one by myself and just let the tears and memories flow.
Please everyone, remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice. When my boy died we made packages from home our pet project as a family to continue to honor him.
I especially love the troop wish list because I can pick up one or two of the things every time I go to the store until I have a good stock up and then drop the items off. This is local to Az, but I'm sure they have something like this in every major city if you look into it.
To date, over 15,000 dollars has been donated in the name of my fallen hero. My daughter also started a letter writing campaign through her elementary school, and sent the troops letters and art work. There are so many things we can do.