Ok, I have to add my two pennies on this one.
I was actually asked the other day why I even bother using eccie if I only see green squared gentlemen from TOS?
This is a misconception.
Myself and a lot of other ladies rely on references simply to know that one is an active hobbyist and not a jerk. To put it bluntly.
The safe provider does some form of screening, they will ask for some info, you can choose to give it or move on.
The color coding on TOS is NOT the end all and be all of hobbying. Especially since even indys lady's utilize many other sites as well.
Basically one wants to know if
A. Are you a true hobbyist? You're not bringing me a new set of bracelets are you?
B. You won't show up with chloroform and a hood.
C. You are not a jerk.
Some ladies can afford to be a bit more selective due to the fact they don't have any medicinal needs to fill or they moonlight at this and some are extremely low volume so that they can be at their best for the clients they already have.
You guys should appreciate the ladies who do take the time to research their clientele, it makes for a much better time together.